The Informative Essay

"The essay is the heart and soul of the application." –Gloria Mueller

The informative or an expository essay is a nonfiction essay to present the facts regarding a certain topic. This type of essay explains something, tells something, or gives directions. It is written in a first or third-person voice. Never start a paragraph with ‘’Here’’ or  ‘’There’’ (empty words).

The most common examples are newspaper articles, online articles, magazine articles, encyclopedia articles, and lectures or speeches.  An essay should be personalized according to your inner senses to present your personality and writing ability. In general, how you write reveals your ability and what you write about – reveals you. The main purpose of an essay is to demonstrate the ability to write clearly and concisely.

The structure of the informative essay

The informative essay consists of 5 sections: the introduction paragraph, first body paragraph, second body paragraph, third body paragraph, and the concluding body paragraph. The introduction paragraph consists of a hook, sentences, and thesis statement. The first, second, and third paragraphs must support the main idea with facts, examples, and quotations. The conclusion should paraphrase the main thesis statement.

Teachers recommend writing an essay in an active voice, while the passive voice is not recommended. Use transition words as much as possible: first, another, most important, for example, on the other hand, etc. Add little short stories that create a picture in the readers' mind when reading the essay – anecdotes.

Before any writing, decide what you are writing about and define the essay structure. Outline topic, direction, three main ideas, points, or reasons to describe in the writing task.  Add many details such as stories, figurative language, sensory words, and dialogue. Qualitative writing consists of a purpose, content, audience, structure, thesis sentence, paragraphs, unity and creativity.

An informative essay can also explain certain thesis in the field of science, math, and history. It should be organized in chronological order, cause and effect, and with the main and supporting ideas.

The introduction of the essay

The most captive method is to start the introduction paragraph with a rhetorical question, a famous quote in the form of figurative language.

In the majority of cases, essay failure is due to being too comprehensive, too general, not personal or due to poor editing skills. Overall, a mentor may help. The main advice is not to misinterpret yourself and to believe in yourself and state your own story. There are recommendations on how to develop a point: add anecdotes, vivid verbs, adjectives and adverbs.  Use the figurative language and implement all 5 senses.

The body  paragraphs

In this section of the paragraph, develop more transitions, details, examples, and support evidence. The highest language impact has the use of an anecdote for each reason and with the figurative language.

The conclusion

The concluding paragraph is the fifth and final one. It needs to be shorter than the other – 2-3 sentences. This is the part that summarizes the thesis completely. Finally, revise the writing paper with the necessary corrections such as grammar editing and proofreading.

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